Weekend in Vancouver

Posted by Sumirno on Saturday, January 24, 2009

Brockton Point Light House at Stanley Park

It's days like this that I really appreciate living in my beautiful city of Vancouver.  For those of you that have never been here we are surrounded by the majestic Rocky Mountains and the Pacific ocean.  When it is not raining and the sun shines everyone is out and about, and Stanley Park is a favourite destination of mine on sunny weekends.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.


View of Lions Gate Bridge towards the North Shore

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Third Beach at Stanley Park looking towards West Vancouver


Nicole walking on the beach and chasing Sea Gulls DSC01220


Sea Foam


Some of my favourite rocks


View towards Horseshoe Bay and North to Whistler


Sunset over English Bay



Even though the sun was shining it was a cold day and Nicole is glad to be back in the car with the heater turned on full blast for the ride home.

DSC01226Coal Harbour view towards North Vancouver


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