
Posted by Sumirno on Tuesday, May 27, 2008

(Image courtesy of Country French Antiques)

Shawn from the oh so gorgeous blog Country French Antiques has tagged me - my first one! :)

The rules for this game are to link back to the person who tagged you, include the rules in your post, write six unimportant things about yourself then tag six other people at the end of your entry.

Here are six random facts about me:

1, I rock myself to sleep everynight lol

2, I only started drinking coffee last year and now I can't get enough

3, Last year I lost 25 kilos (55 pounds) and I did it through lots of exercise and not giving up cupcakes! lol

4, My favourite item of clothing is and always has been a denim jacket

5, Spiders don't frighten me at all but I don't like cobwebs. I'll carefully carry them outside if they choose to take up residence in my home.

6, My nickname amongst my family and friends is Frangipani (long story lol), even my baby nephew is starting to learn to call me aunty frangy :)

Now the six blogging pals I am tagging are:

Julia @ Jules Sand Castle
Gail @ Gail McCormack
Sue @ Life At Home
Anastasia @ Anastasia Drawing And Dreaming
A-M @ The House That A-M Built
Judy @ Lily-G

I would LOVE to know more about these amazing women. Ladies if you have already been tagged recently and you don't wish to play by all means don't feel you have to :)

p.s I FINALLY learned how to link a text - yay me! lol.....Thank you Shawn, you're a gem :)

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